As a global company, Konica Minolta operates in 50 countries around the world. The procurement amount of the Group is over 520 billion yen. Konica Minolta views all of the suppliers that supply and produce materials such as raw materials and parts or provide logistics and other services as indispensable partners in its business activities. Konica Minolta is working with suppliers to build a trusting relationship through transparent and equitable transactions in order to achieve the shared goal of providing impressive products and services in a timely manner to customers all over the world. Konica Minolta recognizes that there are workers all over the world who are forced to work with no consideration of their rights or who have to work in deplorable circumstances, and child and foreign (migrant) workers are particularly susceptible to these negative circumstances. Konica Minolta promotes CSR initiatives throughout its supply chain,* helping to create sustainable societies that respect all human rights. The company believes that enterprises are not only responsible for their products, but also socially responsible to improve conditions of labour (human rights), ethics, the environment, safety and health, throughout the supply chain that delivers products to customers. Konica Minolta practices CSR procurement in order to realize these improvements at its manufacturing bases, and works closely with the suppliers who supply raw materials and parts for its products. In order to fulfil social expectations such as respect for human rights, Konica Minolta not only works at its production sites but also cooperates with manufacturing and logistics suppliers. It also believes this improves the corporate value of both Konica Minolta and its suppliers. Further, this cooperation enables the customers to purchase the company’s products with peace of mind and to know that, by doing so, they are contributing to the development of a sustainable society. Konica Minolta recognizes that CSR procurement is more than just the social responsibility of a global company; it is also convinced that improving working conditions makes employee satisfaction higher and attrition rates lower. This in turn reduces business risk and raises quality throughout the supply chain. There are plenteous reasons for the proactive approach.
* Supply chain: The series of activities involved in delivering a product or service to a customer, ranging from procurement and production to distribution and sales.
The Konica Minolta Group pursues customer satisfaction by creating innovative products and services that contribute to the development of society, according to our management philosophy, “The Creation of New Value.” In procurement activities, we establish firm partnerships with our suppliers based on fairness and transparency, and aim to build a sustainable society by fulfilling social responsibilities with our suppliers.
Based on strong partnerships with our suppliers, we ask our suppliers to focus on the following areas in order to increase customer satisfaction and fulfil social responsibilities.
In 2009, Konica Minolta signed the Global Compact, which consists of 10 principles, related to human rights, labour, the environment, and anti-corruption, advocated by the United Nations. The Global Compact is a set of voluntary action principles for businesses proposed in 1999 by then UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and officially established at the United Nations Headquarters in 2000. It is an initiative to achieve sustainable growth on a global scale by encouraging businesses to act as upstanding members of the international community by demonstrating responsible, creative leadership in solving various worldwide problems, including global warming, environmental problems, and economical stratification in society. Konica Minolta participates in the Working Group on Supply Chains and the Working Group on Human Rights Due Diligence with the Global Compact Network Japan, and it makes use of these experiences in its CSR procurement initiatives.
Konica Minolta Participates Global Compact
The United Nations Global Compact Website
Konica Minolta joined the EICC* in October 2013, and has been acting as a member to strengthen its CSR activities in the supply chain.
The EICC, which is made up of more than 100 companies, including the world’s leading electronics manufacturers and their major suppliers, works to improve human rights, ethics, health, and safety in the supply chain.
Konica Minolta Joins “Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition”
Find the latest version of our General Purchasing Conditions and the Supplier Code of Conduct in English on our German website: